Two hundred years after Emily Bronte’s birth, Lily Cole explores her world and her groundbreaking novel Wuthering Heights. Given that Bronte had to publish under a male pseudonym, Cole explores the author and her novel’s contemporary resonance in the face of the #metoo and equal rights movement.
The Independent
“Emily Brontë was just 30 years old when she died 200 years ago, having completed just one novel. It turned out to be a special one, because although Wuthering Heights was indifferently reviewed on its release, its insights into the insanity of romantic love have made it an enduring classic. Actress Lily Cole looks at Brontë’s strange life”
The Guardian
“An engaging film”
Radio Times
“Cole’s gone boldly on and made this thoughtful documentary about the fascinating Emily Bronte…This film is a love letter to Emily Bronte, her seductively flawed characters and her heart-shattering depiction of love, death and passion”