11th August 2018, 9pm BBC2
Bringing to life that ‘queer sultry summer’ of 1953, this ground-breaking film unravelled the story behind Sylvia Plath’s seminal novel. Capturing the struggles of an ambitious young woman’s attempts to deal with the constraints of 1950s America, the bright lights of New York dim, turn to depression and attempted suicide. The film wove together autobiographical narrative of the book with testimony from Plath’s friends and contemporaries – many of whom were speaking publicly for the very first time. And in another world first, Plath’s daughter, Frieda Hughes gave her first (and only) interview about her mother.
Radio Times – Pick of the Day
“Her end and her long bouts of crippling depressive illness have also, as Teresa Griffiths’ excellent film reveals, unfairly defined her as a misery memoirist, a woman clothed in unhappiness. But so many of Plath’s friends, from her childhood and college years, talk here with profound joy and sadness about someone they loved, someone who laughed, who was tremendous to be around”
Sunday Times – Critic’s Choice
“Teresa Griffith’s film is the first documentary to take as its subject Plath’s partial autobiography and has unprecedented access to many of the writer’s closest associates”
The Mail on Sunday – Pick of the Day
“Much has been said about Plath over the years, but this documentary is the first to take an in-depth look at her only novel, The Bell Jar”
The Observer – Pick of the Day